What Do Clients Look for in Video Editors?
Clients looking for video editors don’t know much about the process of making a video. That is why they want to hire your video editing company. But the big question is, ‘Why should a client choose you over competitors?’ How will they know you are good at what you do? With the following three tips, you should be well on your way to earning trust from prospects.
1. Great Samples
Most potential clients will ask for previous work to see if you meet their criteria. If you haven’t tackled a similar project to what a prospect has proposed, consider editing your other work to represent the aspects they are looking for. Great samples speak for your proficiency in editing videos and profound knowledge of the video lingo. They must show how well you can use software and other tools. Make sure the files are properly organized and labeled.

2. Genuine Connection, No Subcontractors
One of the mistakes video editing companies commit is handing off tasks to subcontractors. Clients want to work with the actual video editors they hired from the word go. If you start introducing interns and apprentices in the middle of a process, you will lose the initial connection with a client.
3. Transparent Pricing
Whether working with individual clients or big companies, make sure your price quote is accurate and precise. Make it clear how much to pay upfront and additional charges that may apply later. Clients want to see where their money is going and hate it when they’re hit with surprise bills.
There’s no shortcut to attracting solid clients to your video editing company. You must showcase your talent and prove that you can deliver quality videos. Get out there and let people see your best-accomplished work through marketing and networking. If you have any awards, don’t hesitate to display them on your social media platforms and blog. Go ahead and pursue publicity through press media. While word-of-mouth is a valuable marketing source, aim to push forward your company through all possible means.